Saturday, December 7, 2013

Master Student

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] ? ? ? ? adaptation [,æ dæ pte??n] ? ? ? ? ? ? habit-forming [?d?kt?v]a.(??)??? addict [?d?kt] (dict-??????)v.??? additive [æ d?t?v] (add-?)??????? necromancer [?d?pt]a.???\????? ??? beside [?d???n??]/ adjacent [?d?es?nt] a.???? ??? adjust [?d??st] (just-??)v.????? adju short-term memoryent [?d??immediate memory?nt] n.adobe[?d?ubi] n.??????????? abo! de?[?b?ud] n.? ?? ?? adopt [?d?pt] (opt-??)v.??? ?? adoption [?d?p??n] n. putment? [?d?:nm?nt] (orn-?)n. ?? enthrone ???[?d?:n] ?? ornamentation [,?rn?m?nte??n] ?? approach ?[æ dv?nt]n.?? comingure?[?dvent??] n.?? with the advent of 21 century?[sent?uri]?? 21 ????? adverse?[æ dv?:s] (-verse ?)a.??????? ? wind ? ? ? subject ? ? ? ? adversity...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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