Monday, January 27, 2020
Piezoelectric Energy Home Analysis
Piezoelectric Energy Home Analysis 1.0 Introduction In Malaysia, each house using electricity at Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB). With the use of electricity, the family in each house to do the activities and generate electrical appliances such as air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines and others. Basically when using a lot of electricity, home users should pay a lot of bills. Some homes also have alternative energy like solar, water and wind, but it has disadvantages because of the use of solar energy they generate during the day camp only. While water and wind requires strategic places to generate electricity. Piezoelectric Energy Home more aimed at people always use a lot energy. Nornally piezoelectric energy home is a useful the future alternative energy. In the United States, China and Japan the consumer use this piezoelectric energy home as an alternative energy. At firstly, this piezoelectric is difficult owned alternative energy but in the future, people will easily get and use piezoelectric to help with the saving of energy costs and also a particularly safe environment. 1.1 Problem Statement By using the kinetic energy, consumers can reduce electricity use from Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB).à In addition, it is the best alternative energy because it will be produced day and night.à In addition, it can generate anywhere and can be used on anyone.à The kinetic energy function using the piezoelectric system [1].à It is a very easy method to tread plates, electrical energy will be generated and stored in the bank energy (battery) [3]. Bank staff will show the amount of time and energy to live and then send the electricity to electrical equipment (air conditioning) [2] is determined by the user.à 1.2 Project Objective The objective of this project is to design a piezoelectric energy home with the following features: To design piezoelectric system to generate electricity from vibrations.à To apply the electrical energy produced to any electrical appliances. To evaluate the voltage produced varies with level and value. 1.3 Project Scope These following scopes are listed to ensured to ensure the project is heading the right direction and achieve the objectives: The board size is 27cm wide and 45cm long will convert the mechanical energy in electrical energy (piezoelectric system). Use the preteus 7 professional software and mikoelektromika software for C language programmers to LCD display (162) the level and value voltage at the battery charging. Can supply electrical appliances which has a capacity 100-220V 50-60Hz for example notebook adapter, hair dryer, curling iron and other things. Chapter 2 2.0 Literature Review 2.1 Overview This chapter describes the literature review which is related to this piezoelectric energy home project. Information about the piezoelectric energy home has been studied from different resources to perform this project. This chapter also carried out the whole project to gain knowledge and skills needed to complete this project. Those sources from thesis and journals will help to identify problems as well as giving ideas for analysis and decision making in this project. The technology that involved or already produced is studied. Study of the PIC, piezoelectric and other circuit used are conducted by referring the previous project that had been done. 2.2 Description of previous project system 2.2.1 Third Order Longitudinal Mode Piezoelectric ceramic transformer and its application to high-voltage power inverter Journal authors [1] pointed out that Figure shows the structure of the in investigated piezoelectric transformer which can operate in the third order longitudinal vibration mode. Triple Stacked tranformer which elements are thin piezoelectric ceramic esare available in the transformer. The transformer has symmetrical secondary electrodes trip at the center of it and a primary electrodes at both ends of the transformer. Figure Structure of triple-layered piezoelectric transformer operating in the third order longitudinal vibration mode. New PZT Actuator Using Piezoelectric Thin Film on Parallel Plate Structure Journals authors [2] display from the Figure shows parallel beam structure. Square hole is mode through the rectangular solid. Then the thin parallel beam structure is constructed. Section modulus of parallel beam is decreased by square hole. Parallel beam structure has many significant features as such: Piling up the the basic structures, we can increase displacement. We can increase rigidity by changing parallel beam thickness. Tip moves in parallel at the end and stiffness to the vertical direction is large. When displacement of the tips is small, stress of the structure is big. Figure Parallel Beam Structure 2.2.3 Vibration Active Control of Fluid Pulsation Based Piezoelectric valve In Figure the journal author [3] describes about structure of the piezoelectric direct drive servovalve is illustrated. It mainly consists of piezoelectric stacks, sleeve, spool and displacement sensor. The annulus piezoelectric stacks, which have holes in the center at drive the spool. When voltage whose amplitudes are equivalent but inverse phases are applied in the two piezoelectric stacks is a elongates and the other simultaneously shortens. Next the spool will move to the special direction the displacement sensor in the hollow of the piezoelectric stack can measure the displacement of the spool. Figure Schematic configuration of the piezoelectric direct drive servivalve 2.2.4 Analysis of Active Vibration Control for Piezoelectric Intelligent Structures by ANSYS and MATLAB Journals authors [4] describes the start of the piezoelctric actuator is operating vibration response containing the revocation of an object used to activate piezoelektric vibration control method. As shown in Figure the output controller will be control the output signals to the actuators and control subjects in the under control. It also use a sensor that can see vibration of the piezoelectric plate or other structure to move the intelligent actuator controller in accordance with the output. In addition, if the actuatorâ⠬â⠢s output is equal to the vibration response of the structure, least be suppressed or vibration of the structures should be controlled. Figure : Schematic diagram of active vibration control system 2.2.5 Wireless Drive of a Piezoelectric Plate by Dipole antenna Journals authors [5] states piezoelectric plate to the electric field plate shaped transmit he live and ground electrodes are used to form a dipole antenna like structure like live and ground electrodes of the dipole antenna from the piezoelectric plate is placed in a plane perpendicular to the electrodes and equidistant. Figure shows the mode of operation to determine the thickness of the piezoelectric wireless configuration. The material in the plates of lead zirconate titanate piezoelectricu (PZT) ceramic and poled along the thickness direction. The silver electrode on the plate at the top and bottom surfaces. Vibration the applied electricity field direction and both are parallel to the poling direction. The real power at the plate and delivers a load is measuring resistor connected across the two electrodes. Figure Configuration of wirelessly driven piezoelectric plate operating in the thickness mode. 2.2.6 A Research on the Piezoelectric Vibration Actuator for Mobile Phone Journals authors [6] states used in the horizontal diplacement of piezoelctric vibration device. The best way to get elestic body goes through polarized piezoelectric ceramaic plate and the piezoelectric ceramic is a good structure, design and type of parallel bimorph. The piezoelectric vibration device compasition to make the piezoelectric actuator is 0.1 Pb(Ni1/3Nb1/3Sb1/3)O3 to 0.9 Pb(Ni1/3Nb1/3Sb1/3)O3. A vibration device joined piezoelectrictric ceramic two plate plates sized by 25x12x0.1mm3 and phosphor-bronzer size by 28x12x0.1mm3 to two liquid types of epoxy. Figure Running principle. Inverter Inverter circuit serves to convert DC to AC voltage. The inverter circuit to produce a stable output as a integrated circuit CD4047. Astable multivibrator output is due to produce 4.40 RC (pulse width) and the monostable multivibrator output will be produce 2.48 RC (pulse width). After that, the signal will be go to the transistor used as amplifiers. This alows the signal to rise and generate the appropriate signals to produce a stable voltage when arrives the transformer. Battery A battery or voltaic cell is a combination of one or more electrochemical Galvanic cells which store chemical energy that can be converted into electric potential energy, creating electricity. The battery is the primary source of electrical energy. It stores chemicals, not electricity. Two different types of lead in an acid mixture react to procude an electrical pressure. This electrochemical reaction changes chemical energy to electrical energy. Chapter 3 3.0 Methodology 3.1 Introduction This chapter describes how the project developed and what methods will be used and describes the methodology and approach taken in the project. This project consists hardware designing, circuit and of software development. A number of support tools such as PICkit and USB programmer will be used to assist on software and hardware development. Research and literature review which are related must be made before starting this project. Information from similar projects, theory about the microcontroller, piezoelectric and inverter circuit that intended to be used in this project need to be studied. By doing research from the previous works, relevant idea could be generated in order to implement this project. 3.2 Project development Project development consists of two parts hardware and software designs. 3.2.1 Hardware design For hardware design, the circuit is divided into several units based on its functionality. The units are piezoelectric unit, microcontroller unit, power supply unit, inverter unit and interface unit. The piezoelectric unit function for produces mechanical power to electric power and moving the battery. The microcontroller circuit functions as the processor of this battery to show the level and value voltage in interface unit. The power supply unit, it plays major rules in distributing the power to the other unit according to the requirement of the system such as if the microcontroller unit requires 5V voltage, the power supply unit will provide 5V supply to the microcontroller unit. Finally, the electric moving the inverter unit to convert from DC to AC for user can used the electrical appliances. 3.2.2 Software development Microcontroller functions is important as a brain of this system. Microcontroller will show the level and value voltage at battery. Microcontroller build used the c language to MicroC and burning the PIC16F877A at PICkit 2 v2.55. Specifically, these are the tasks that microcontroller performs for this interface battery example level and value voltage. For this project, a familiar microcontroller will be used. PIC microcontroller The PIC16F877A is from the PIC16 microcontroller family, with the some advantages is a high computational performance at an economical price and the addition of high endurance and Enhanced Flash Memory. Then added features include eight additional instructions that augment indirect and indexed addressing operations and the implementation of Indexed Literal Offset Addressing mode for many of the standard PIC16 instructions. In addition to these features, the PIC16F877A introduces design enhancements that make power sensitive applications to project and can build microcontroller a logical device for many high-performance.The PIC16F877A make use of NanoWatt technology that incorporates a range of features that can significantly reduce power and voltage consumption during operation includes: Alternate Run Modes. Multiple Idle Modes. On the Fly Mode Switching. Lower Consumption in Key Modules . Extended Instruction Set. 3.3 Part integration After all harware and software implementation is already finish and testing, all the part need to be integrate. The hardware must place at right location then the program is load into the microcontroller in order to test whether the piezoelectric can running and function to suitable for user. 3.4 Project Block Diagram Figure 3.4.1 : Project Block Diagram Component Description Piezoelectric plate Generate the energy from mechanical power to electric power Piezo regulator The voltage regulator to support 12V DC only and moving the battery to changer. Battery Storage and supply the voltage to give the inverter circuit. PIC and LCD Display The microcontroller use C language to show level and value voltage at LCD Display. Inverter Convert from DC to AC voltage. Electric appliances Electric appliances used by the user which features the 220v supply. Table 1: Component and Description Chapter 4 4.0 Expected Result The user stepping on the floor (piezoelectric plate) it will be generate from mechanical power to electric power because the plate can happen vibration. After that, the generate of electricity, it go in the piezoelectric voltage regulator to stabilize voltage so that it entered into the battery with a constant voltage. Later the battery will be to keep the voltage and go in the inverter to convert from DC to AC voltage1 for user can used the electrical appliances. In addition, the batter also display the level and value voltage by using PIC16F877A and LCD display. Figure 4.0.1: Flow chart Piezoelectric Energy Home. Chapter 5 5.0 Conclusion The project outlines were discussed with briefly. Piezoelectric Energy Home very easily function and safe to use by user. This project is the best alternative energy in a future. Then the user can saving in a payments for use electric. In addition, this project so easier for user to see the level and value voltage stored in the battery. The voltage in this project is stability and can used on all types of electric appliances. 5.1 Reference [1] S.Kawashima1, O.Ohnishi1, H.Hakamata1, S.Tagami1, A.Fukuoka1, T.Inoue1 and S.Hirose2, Third Order Longitudinal Mode Piezoelectric ceramic transformer and its application to high-voltage power inverter, 1NEC Corporation Kawasaki 211, 2Yamagata University Yonezawa 992, Japan,2002. [2] Sato.H , Arai.F, Ishihara.H, Fukuda.T, Iwata.H, Itogawa.K, New PZT Actuator Using Piezoelectric Thin Film on Parallel Plate Structure Department Of Micro. Sys.tem Engineering nagoya University, Japan, 2002. [3] Hongmei Liu2, Pingchao Ouyang2, Yunlong Cai1, Chen Lu1, Jiahui Luan1, Vibration Active Control of Fluid Pulsation Based Piezoelectric valve, 1Department of System Engineering of Engineering Technologi Beihang University, 2501 research institute China Academy of Space Technology Haidian, Beijing, China, 2009. [4] Zhu Xiaojin, Zhao Miao, Gao Zhiyuan, Chen Zhiyan, Analysis of Active Vibration Control for Piezoelectric Intelligent Structures by ANSYS and MATLAB, School of Mechatronics Engineering and Automation Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, 2010. [5] Satyanarayan Bhuyan and Junhui Hu, Wireless Drive of a Piezoelectric Plate by Dipole antenna, School of Electrical Electronic Engineering Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2009. [6] O.D. Kwon1, J.S. Yoo1, Y.J.Yun1, J.S. Lee3, S.H. Kang2, K.J. Lim1, A Research on the Piezoelectric Vibration Actuator for Mobile Phone, 1School of Electrical Computer Engineering, Chungbuk National University, 1I2 Gaeshin-dong, Heungduk-gu, Chongju, Korea, 2Dept. of fire prevention engineering, chungcheomg University, Korea, 3RD Center, EMD Co., Ltd., Cheonan, Korea, 2005. [7] Jing-yu Yang,Guo-ping Chen, Actuator Placement And Configuration Direction Optimation In Plate Structure Vibration Control System, Nanjing University Of Aeronautics And Astronautics , Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, 2010. [8] B. J. G. Vautier and S . 0. R. Moheimani, Avoiding Hysteresis in Vibration Control Using Piezoelectric Laminates, The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Newcastle, Callaghan , Australia, 2003. [9] Takuro Ikeda, Fundamentals of Piezoelectricity, Oxford University, England ,2002. [10] The Jiashi, The Mechanics Of piezoelectric Structure, World scientific New York, 2006.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Art Evaluation
Art Evaluation Looking around the hallways, I found many interesting paintings. But, I found that a particular painting was more interesting than the rest. The piece of art that I have chosen to talk about is an artwork that is hanging on the wall in the hallway of JJC. The artwork is painted by a girl named Nicole Marie Wilkin in 2007. She titled her work, ââ¬Å"Endless Miles. â⬠The materials that she chose to use were Oil on Canvas. After looking over the painting, I notice many formal elements. The formal elements that are presented in this work are: color, line, space, texture, and motion.The painting is very well balanced; therefore, my attention isnââ¬â¢t focused on a certain part of the painting. The texture of the painting looks smooth. The multiple uses of contrasting colors are what I believe attracted my eyes to this painting. I feel that this formal element is what is most dominant in the picture. Another formal element that caught my eye was the use of motion. The endless amount of swirls and wavy lines make the painting look as if it is moving. I think that this gives the work a cool effect when looking at it.Using the elements, color and motion together, as Nicole did, was a good idea and works well for drawing attention to her work. The use of these two keep me wondering what the artist was actually thinking when painting this picture. There are also a few principles of composition that I see in this painting. I find that the work has no specific place that is weighted in the painting; therefore, the painting has an all over composition. The painting is asymmetrical because it cannot be split into two parts and mirror each other.I feel that this painting does evoke thoughts and emotions. When I look at this painting I feel a sense of freedom. I feel that this artwork represents freedom because of the numerous amounts of implied lines that lead to other implied lines. I feel as if the painting is leading my eyes on never-ending maze. Th e freedom that I feel is because there is no exact focal point of this painting and my eyes are free to follow whichever implied line they choose. I believe that this idea may lead into why this particular artist may have named her art, ââ¬Å"Endless Miles. I think that the formal elements that make this work so free are the use of motion and line together. I feel that the media and materials used in this art make a strong impact. The use of oil on canvas helps to make the painting look smooth and flowing. I feel that since the artist used oil, she was able to blend her colors well and add shading to her colors. Oil is easily blended since the colors dry very slowly. This is why I think that the use of oil was a good choice for her.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
The Pit and the Pendulum: Movie vs. Book
The Pit and the Pendulum is a book written by Edgar Allen Poe in 1842. Years later, in 1961, a movie was made. Directed by Roger Corman, the film is a lot different than the movie, though it does have a few similarities. One of the few similarities is the pendulum sequence. When Francis is strapped down to the ââ¬Å"bed,â⬠the pendulum comes inches closer and closer, slowly, as in the book. Right as itââ¬â¢s about to kill him, heââ¬â¢s saved. Another similarity, though minor, is the involvement of a pit.A major difference is the involvement of a plot. In the book, thereââ¬â¢s almost no plot at all, except that the character is a military man in France. In the movie, the plot is long, explained well, and a little more interesting than the book. The pit and pendulum themselves have very little involvement in the movie, while in the book, theyââ¬â¢re almost always involved and the pit is introduced almost right away. Also, in the movie, there are way more characters. I think Roger Corman did a pretty mediocre job making a movie out of the book.I understand that the movie wasnââ¬â¢t really meant to be based off of the book entirely, but they could have involved the pit and the pendulum a little more throughout the movie. Although the plot was good and had plenty of shock, I did like the plot of the book a little more. If I wrote the script, I would have added a lot more to the plot of the book and kept it. It seems like Corman just made the movie with the title, and only had the pit and the pendulum stay. In short, Corman could have done better.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Genesis Vs. Plato s Genesis - 891 Words
I composed this paper exclusively for this class, and it is my original work. When I have used information from other sources, I have provided appropriate in-text citations and a corresponding list of references. I also understand that evidence of plagiarism may result in a failing grade for this course. Luis Martinez Luis Martinez Professor Robert Shapiro PHIL-285 Philosophy of Human Nature November 1st, 2016 Genesis VS Plato The story of Genesis, and the great philosopher Plato both depict a certain view on human nature. Genesis demonstrates that humans live on in their families. While, Plato creates this idea that we are in constant search of THE GOOD. In this paper, I will compare and contrast how these works answer three important questions; What are human beings like? What kind of world do they live in? What is the best life for humans to live? Finally, I will explain which one of these views better represents what human beings are really like. The first book of the Hebrew bible, Genesis, tells the story of how an all powerful God created the Earth and all who inhabit it. The story is quite familiar even to those who do not belong to regions that utilize the hebrew bible. However, the story quickly becomes unfamiliar once the story is analyzed from a philosophical standpoint. A great example is Eve, people know her as the one who ââ¬Å"disobeyedâ⬠God and is the first to sin. But, why is Eve often interpreted as the evil one? Why is she criticized for being theShow MoreRelatedA Christian Approach to Homosexuality7265 Words à |à 30 Pagesand the right to equality as guaranteed in the Constitution. Pronouncing the order in Naz Foundation (India) Trust v. Government of NCT, Delhi and Others, Writ Petition (Civil) No. 7455 of 2001, a division bench of Chief Justice A.P Shah and Justice S. 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